
Religions of the World

The deities of the world draw power from their worshippers’ belief and manifest in whatever form mortals can comprehend. The most commonly worshiped gods are the Greek Pantheon. Other gods are worshipped, albeit rarely within the Ke'ath Empire. A theological battle rages between worshippers of different manifestations of the same idea about which is the real manifestation or if they worship the same god under different names.

The Greek Pantheon

The 12 Olympians - Zeus, Hera, Poseidon, Demeter, Athena, Apollo, Artemis, Ares, Aphrodite, Hephaestus, Hermes, and Dionysus - make up the major gods of the Greek Pantheon.


God of the Sun

The god of the sun and healing. He is said to be the god from whom oracles divine their power. Oracles are spread all over the nation who claim to have powers of divination and give prophecies and whatnot. Many make pilgrimages to seek the advice of these oracles. His following is relatively structured.


God of the Sea

A more laid back religion, no formal following, no centralized church. This however, results in cults and whatnot.


God of Death

The God of death.


There are various cults, ranging from slightly fanatical to completely deranged, from benign missionaries to psychopathic serial killers and mass suicide organizers. Each deity has several cults, while major deities have dozens. These cults are generally considered to not worship the Greek Pantheon, though they themselves believe otherwise.


